Trademark Registration

Having your trademark registered protects your brand name and logo from being copied and profited from by others. One way to identify the products and services of one person from those of others is through the use of trademarks, which are a graphical representation of a mark. Product or container shape, colour, or combination of colours may all play a role here. In order to protect your company’s reputation, you need register your trademark in India. Basically, it’s anything that a typical consumer can associate with a certain brand. A “mark” might be anything from a device or a brand to a heading or a label to a ticket. Examples of a “mark” include the use of a name or signature.

The Trade Marks Registry was established in India in 1940, and presently it administers the Trade Marks Act, 1999 and the rules thereunder. Trademark organization in India also acts as a resource and information center in matters relating to trademarks in the country.

‘TM’ on a given logo stands for Trademark, and ‘SM’ stands for Service mark. The use of Trademark and Service mark symbols notifies the public that the company is claiming exclusive ownership of the trademark. It can only be used by one who has filed a trademark application.

Once the trademark is registered with the Trademark Authority and is published in the official gazette, the person can use © on the same.

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Note: Payments for services are only accepted in the name of ENEGO SERVICES PRIVATE LIMITED and the type of account is solely “Current Account” via NEFT/IMPS, RTGS , Razorpay and we do not accept payments on personal accounts or under any other name.

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